Low corporate tax rates are a significant reason, but not the only motive, why businessmen are interested in registering a company in Romania.
As Romania is a member of the European Union, companies operating here benefit from compliance with EU regulations, access to European markets, and funding opportunities. This includes participation in the Common Reporting Standard (CRS), ensuring transparency while maintaining competitive business operations.
Located at the crossroads of Eastern and Western Europe, Romania offers strategic access to both regions, making it an ideal hub for businesses targeting expansive markets.
We understand the value of flexibility in today’s IT landscape. Romania offers remote work options without territorial restrictions and a supportive IT Visa program for expatriates—extending up to 5 years for IT managers—making it an attractive destination for global tech talent.
— Limited Liability Companies (SRL)
— Joint Stock Companies (SA)
— Individual Enterprises
— General Partnerships
— Limited Partnerships, and Subsidiaries
— Branches or Representative Offices .
After the documentation is approved and the governmental fee for company registration is paid, with our support, the company is registered within 24 hours.
After registering the company in Romania, the owner must maintain accounting records and file annual statements. We can recommend our trusted partners for accounting services to ease your process.
We offer services for Moldova company registration. We can:
— Open a Romanian bank account for you;
— Open a company in Romania;
— Optimize taxation in Romania;
— Offer support with financial statements.
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